Neutrality is a key, an essential element in adjudication. However, would impartiality be regarded as having such a core importance in other third-party peaceful dispute resolution, for instance, in mediation?
Brasileiro Bisneto de Português tem Direito à Cidadania Portuguesa?
1. Introdução Essa tem sido uma consulta muito recorrente devido a informações que as pessoas leem em redes sociais; a experiência mostra que, não raro, a internet é uma fonte de desinformação e desilusão. Muitos…
What is to be regarded as Negotiation for Jurisdictional Purposes?
Special Clauses in Treaties. Categories, Effects and Their Relationship with Admissibility in Dispute Resolution
Introduction The Roman Roots of Adjudication The Ambiguous Meaning of Adjudication in International Law Diplomatic Means of Dispute Resolution. Consultation. Notification. Procedural and Substantive Obligation. Prior Consent. Exchange of Views. Obligation to negotiate. Adjudicatory and…
Substantive and Instrumental Effects of Negotiation
Indeed, states possess the freedom to make decisions within their territorial jurisdiction, which is a direct consequence of their sovereignty. Nonetheless, there are various reasons why States might choose to abstain from certain actions within…
Substantive Aspect of Negotiation
Procedural Rules in International Law: Understanding Jurisdiction, Competence, and Admissibility
Understanding Procedural Rules in International Law through International Courts and Tribunals Introduction Jurisdiction. Competence Inadmissibility. Objection Prior Negotiation Conclusion Related Posts: Jurisdição Internacional: Princípio da Dúvida e Consentimento JIPDC Summary. Procedural Rules in International Law:…
Consultation and Negotiation in the States´ Practice
1. Introduction 2. Consultation and Negotiation in Treaties (bilateral or multilateral) 3. Consultation and Negotiation in General International Law 4. The Effects of Consultation and Negotiation in International Treaties 5. Relevant Judgments Regarding the Interpretation…
Vantagens da Usucapião Extrajudicial
História Política da Aviação: 2005-2007
2005-2007: Tempos de Bruxas Soltas na Aviação Civil do Brasil Ressalvado o seu presente irretocável, o berço da ANAC (criada em 2005) navegou em uma correnteza catastrófica de tragédias aéreas em 2006 e 2007, corrupção,…