English || Português
He was born in Taubaté, in October 1965, with dual nationality (Portuguese-Brazilian). At 17, he started working as a freelance translator of the English language (1983-1985) in the Port of Santos.
He was a clerk at Banco Bradesco (1985-86), in Santos.
Law Graduation
He graduated in Law from Faculdade Catolica de Santos (1991), where he entered ranking in the third place and graduated with an average of 8.73.
As an academic activity, he created the Nelson Hungria Study Group, which promoted the Seminar The Err and the Breach of Duty of Care in the strict sense (October 23 to 24, 1987).
He was a University lecturer on Crime Associated with Drug Use.
In August 1988, at 22, he passed a competitive examination selection for admission to the State Court of Sao Paulo for a Court Officer, ranking in third place, having served in the 4th Civil Court of the District of Santos.
In October 1991, at 25, he was appointed Deputy Judge after passing a competitive examination and Diploma-Based Selection for Admission to the State of Sao Paulo Judiciary, where he ranked fourth place.
he began his judicial career as the First Deputy Judge of the Circuit Court of Santos (1991-1992); then, he held the Office of the Judge of the District Court of Aguai (1992-1993); following, the Office of the Judge of the First Civil and Grand Jury of the District Court of Avare (1993-1996); then, the Office of the Judge of the First Civil and Grand Jury of District Court of Cotia (1996-1999); the Office of the First Criminal Judge of the District Court of Sao Jose dos Campos (1999-2001); Deputy Judge of the Circuit Court of the Capital of Sao Paulo (2001-2005); in 2005-2015, he held the Office of the First Civil Judge of Santana, Circuit Court of Capital of Sao Paulo; in 2015-2017, he held the Office of the Judge of the Grand Jury, Execution and Civil Police Affairs of the Circuit Court of Santos; finally, he held the Office of the First Civil Judge of the Circuit Court of Santo Andre.
From 2004 to 2009, he served as an extraordinarily summoned Judge, working cumulatively with his regular duties at the 1st Instance, at the 3rd Chamber “B” of Private Law, 5th Chamber “A” of Private Law, 7th Chamber “D” of Private Law and 28th Chamber Chamber of Private Law of the Judicial State Court of Appeals of São Paulo.
By retirement, he ended his public legal career in the Brazilian Judiciary (1988-2022), Judicial State Branch of Sao Paulo (August 1988 to July 2022), at 56 with 34 years as a public servant, moving to The Hague, The Netherlands, to start his International Law Advocacy.
In January 2023, he was registered with the Brazilian Bar Association by the Santos Subsection.
In August 2023, he was registered with the Portuguese Bar Association, Lisbon Council.
Founder of the ELFILHO Society of Public and Private International Law, with branches in The Hague (Lowlands), Santos (Sao Paulo, Brazil), Brasilia (Capital of Brazil) and Lisbon (Portugal)
Member of the International Bar Association.
Member of the International Law Association – London Branch.
Member of the Dutch International Chamber of Commerce.
From 1997 to 1999, he was a Professor of Civil Law in the field of Property Law in General and Real Property Rights at Law University FKB in Itapetininga (a city in Sao Paulo State).
He was a Professor of Civil Law in the field of Property Law, including General and Real Property Rights, Obligations and Contracts, particular Contracts, Family and Succession Law, at Paulista University Campi of Sorocaba (city), eastern and southern zones of Paulo Capital, from 2000 to 2004.
He was a Professor of Civil Law in Private Courses in Sorocaba, at the Brazilian Bar Association in Sao Jose dos Campos and in Campinas, cities in Sao Paulo State (2000-2005)
He was a Professor of Civil Aeronautical Law in Private Courses in Sao Paulo (2005-2009).
Single-engine/piston 1st Class Private Pilot License in 2000 by Sorocaba Air Club.
Air Crash-Prevention course in 2003, in Sao Paulo.
In 2004, he graduated as an Aircrash Investigator from the Brazilian Air Force.
Instrument Flight Course in 2007 by Sao Paulo Air Clube.
He was awarded as an Honorary member of the Brazilian Air Force in 2009.
Founding Partner (2011) of the Airline Consumer Protection Association (APROAR).
He was awarded as an Honorary member of the Sao Paulo Air Clube (2018).
He concluded his involvement in Civil Aeronautics in 2018 due to the partial shutdown of the São Paulo Air Club.
Academic Activity
Master’s of Law student with International Dispute Resolution at the University of London/UCL – University College of London.
Literary Activity
Novelist writer: The Judgment of Pontius Pilate (1st Edition 1995, 2nd Edition 2007, 3rd Edition 2021), The Eternal Memory of Oblivion (Lhasa Editora, online, 1999), The Black Stone of Belarus (Lhasa Editora, online, 1998 ), Wings of Destiny (Lhasa Editora, online, 2007), Lilina and the Perfect Wedding (Lhasa Editora, online, 2022)